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Online Registration

2024-2025 Online Registration

Woodford County Public Schools is pleased to announce Online Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year. All students (returning and new to the district) MUST be registered online every year prior to the start of the school year. Completing the online registration process will register/update your student's information and also reduce some of the beginning of the school year paperwork thus streamlining the back to school experience. Please keep in mind that if your application is submitted over the summer, our registration staff may not be working and will process your application upon return.

If you do not have internet access, a computer, or current e-mail address, please contact your student's school during regular school hours for assistance registering your students.

If you are having trouble accessing Online Registration, here are some troubleshooting options for you:

  • Popup blockers must be turned off.

  • Phones/tablets are not recommended.

  • Preferred browsers are Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.

New Students and Families Registration Steps

If you currently have NO children enrolled and are new to Woodford County Schools, please continue by clicking the link below. You will need the documentation listed below to upload during the registration process. You must have the documents marked with an asterisk (*) to register your new students and complete the registration process. Documents can be a scanned copy or photograph.

  • Proof of Residency* – A current utility bill (cell phone bills are not accepted), mortgage/lease agreement, or an affidavit of residence. (MUST be uploaded during online registration process.)
  • Birth Certificate or other reliable proof of age and identity.* (MUST be uploaded during online registration process.)
  • Current Immunization Certificate – New students will be required to submit a current immunization certificate (or the appropriate exemption form) prior to attending school. 
  • Current Kentucky Physical – (If not available you have 30 days from the date of enrollment/first day of school to provide documentation to your school.) Each five (5) or six (6) year old student entering kindergarten shall undergo a preventative student health care examination within one (1) year prior to initial entry to school.

The following documents are needed for new student enrollment but can be sent to the school after initial registration:

  • Proof of Eye Exam (completed by January 1st of the first year student is enrolled in the district).
  • Evidence of a Dental Screening or Examination (submitted by January 1st of the first year that a five (5) and six (6) year old student is enrolled in the district).
  • High School Transcript (if enrolling from out of state).
  • Copy of Custody Order (if student is in the custody of a state or other agency).
  • Copy of Guardianship or Custody Order showing that the student resides with the guardian or custodial parent (if such an order has ever been issued).

New Student Registration for Woodford County Schools

Instructions for Registering New Students

Returning Students and Families Registration Steps

If you currently have children enrolled in Woodford County Schools and have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, please continue by clicking the link below. When logged into your Parent Portal, select "More" in the lower left side index, and select "Online Registration.”  Follow the onscreen instructions to register your returning students for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have a child that will be new to the district, in addition to your returning students, you can add them when registering your returning students and only complete Online Registration once for your family.


Access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Site


If you do not have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, or are having issues accessing your account, click here to request a new account or reset your password.

You must have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to register returning students.

If you are having trouble accessing Online Registration, here are some troubleshooting options for you:

  • Popup blockers must be turned off.
  • Phones/tablets are not recommended.
  • Preferred browsers are Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.

Instructions for registering returning students