Severe Weather Information

9 months ago

In the event of bad weather, our school district may have alternate types of closures that affect preschool in unique ways due to our half-day sessions.  If any of these types of days fall on a Friday, preschool will not be affected due to normally not having classes on Friday.   Use these guidelines to be prepared:

1 Hour Delay-  Morning preschool begins one hour later and afternoon preschool hours are unchanged.

2 Hour Delay- Morning preschool is CANCELED and afternoon preschool hours are unchanged.

Early Release(announced before11:00am) - Afternoon preschool is canceled.

Early Release(announced after 11:30am arrival) - Afternoon preschool releases at announced elementary time, which is one to two hours early.

NTI Day (Non-Traditional Instruction Day) - Students will not be in the classrooms but will have instruction at home.  If this day is a Friday, preschool will not have instruction and you will not be contacted by your child's teacher.   Please refer to the NTI Packets sent home previously.

School Closed/Canceled - There will not be preschool and no instruction for this day.

Announcements will be made by Parent Square, social media, district and school web page, and local media outlets.  In addition, your teacher may be sending you messages on Parent Square regarding the closures and any virtual learning instructions.