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Superintendent Search Committee

Parent Nomination

The Woodford County Board of Education is seeking nominations for the position of parent representative on the Superintendent Search Committee.  This position is one of seven people who will be acting in an advisory role to the Board.  The Search Committee does not hire the Superintendent but will make a non-binding recommendation of a slate of candidates to the Board of Education for consideration.  Attendance at committee meetings is required.  The meeting dates are March 12, March 25, April 8, April 16, April 21, and April 24.   If interested, please send a one paragraph bio with some background information including the reasons for a desire to serve on this committee.  All nominations must be received by 4pm on February 26.

All Parent nominations must be received by 4pm on February 26.
Parent Nomination Form Link:

In addition to the nominations, the Board would appreciate input from the community regarding the search for our new Superintendent.  A Superintendent Survey form has been created to be completed by anyone in our community.  This form should be completed by mightnight on March 9.

Survey must be received by midnight on March 9.
Superintendent Survey Link:





The Woodford County Public Schools, in partnership with families and community, will provide challenging learning opportunities for all students, promote student growth and achievement, and prepare students to strive for excellence.

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March 3, 2025

Summer Camp Fair

The annual Summer Camp Fair is Wednesday, March 12, from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at Simmons Elementary. Come learn about different fun and exciting camp options for kids ages 6 - 15! There will be door prizes . . .

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Public Notices

Board Meeting Public Comments

If attending the Board meeting in person, a member of the public may sign up prior to the 6:00 PM start of the meeting in order to make a comment. If attending the Board meeting by watching the live stream on YouTube, a member of the public may submit a statement via email anytime throughout the day on the date of the meeting to Jessie Rayburn.  Comments must be submitted prior to the 6:00 PM start time. Jessie will print the emails, and each statement will be read during the public comment portion of the agenda. Elaine Bailey, Communications Officer, will read the comments. A copy of the email will be kept to accurately reflect those who submitted a public comment just as our sign-up sheet is kept now. Each statement will be limited to no more than 3 minutes. Each statement must be related to an item on the agenda.

Property Tax Statutory Requirements Update

Per the Kentucky Department of Education Commissioner's Office

Updates on Review of Property Tax Statutory Requirements

KRS 160.470provides the process by which a local board of education annually adopts property tax rates. Because of a question about the process from a district, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) recently conducted a review of the statutory requirements.

The review determined that the statute permits a local board of education to adopt a tax rate up to and including the 4% tax rate without advertising or holding a public hearing. In the past, KDE provided guidance that a board was required to advertise and hold a hearing if they exceeded the compensating rate. Exonerations may be included in the property tax adoption, but will not trigger any additional advertising or hearing requirements.

KRS 132.0225provides that, unless the local board is adopting a tax rate, excluding exonerations, above 4%, they must adopt a property tax rate within 45 calendar days of the Department of Revenue’s property certification for the school district. If this requirement is not met, the compensating tax rate will be applied to that year’s tax bills.

Tax Rate Advertising Hearing Additional Advertising
Below Compensating No No No
Compensating No No No
Above Compensating/ Below 4% No No No
Subsection (1) If above 4%, yes If above 4%, yes If above 4%, yes
4% No No No
Above 4% Yes Yes Yes
HB 940 No No No